How Far is it from Battle Creek to West Bloomfield Township, Michigan?

Are you planning a trip from Battle Creek to West Bloomfield Township, Michigan? Find out how far it is and what the best route is.

How Far is it from Battle Creek to West Bloomfield Township, Michigan?

Are you planning a trip from Battle Creek to West Bloomfield Township, Michigan? If so, you may be wondering how far it is and what the best route is. The distance between Battle Creek and West Bloomfield Township is 94 miles, while the road distance is 112.1 miles. The quickest flight from Battle Creek Airport to West Bloomfield Airport is the direct flight which takes 1h 55m.If you are driving, the best route to take is via I-94 E. This route will take you approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes.

You can also take US-12 E, which will take you about 2 hours and 10 minutes. The social distance requirement in the township of West Bloomfield is 2 meters.Now let's suppose you have a private jet and can fly the fastest possible straight line between West Bloomfield Township, Michigan, and Battle Creek, Michigan. This would be the great circle distance or the shortest distance between the two points on a sphere and is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula. No matter what mode of transportation you choose, it's important to plan ahead and make sure you have enough time to get to your destination. If you are driving, make sure to check traffic conditions before you leave and plan for any delays.

If you are flying, make sure to check the airline's policies for any changes or cancellations.

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